====================================================================== Welcome to YAFU (Yet Another Factoring Utility)============== bbuhrow@gmail.com
=== factor(71484438965393396388835335667806052411397994375702758854090697767967524655627)fac: factoring 71484438965393396388835335667806052411397994375702758854090697767967524655627fac: using pretesting plan: normal
fac: no tune info: using qs/gnfs crossover of 100 digits
fac: no tune info: using qs/snfs crossover of 75 digits
div: primes less than 10000fmt: 1000000 iterations
rho: x^2 + 3, starting 1000 iterations on C77
rho: x^2 + 2, starting 1000 iterations on C77
rho: x^2 + 1, starting 1000 iterations on C77
nfs: searching for brent special forms...
nfs: searching for homogeneous cunningham special forms...
nfs: searching for XYYXF special forms...
nfs: searching for direct special forms...
nfs: snfs form detection took 0.188331 seconds
nfs: couldn't find special form
pm1: starting B1= 150K, B2= gmp-ecm default on C77
ecm: ECM executable does not exist at ../trosi_ecm_git/ecm
ecm: using internal single threaded ECM...
ecm: 30/30 curves on C77, B1=2k, B2=gmp-ecm default
ecm: ECM executable does not exist at ../trosi_ecm_git/ecm
ecm: using internal single threaded ECM...
ecm: 74/74 curves on C77, B1=11k, B2=gmp-ecm default
ecm: ECM executable does not exist at ../trosi_ecm_git/ecm
ecm: using internal single threaded ECM...
ecm: 149/149 curves on C77, B1=50k, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 0 sec
starting SIQS on c77: 71484438965393396388835335667806052411397994375702758854090697767967524655627==== sieving in progress (1 thread): 36240 relations needed======== Press ctrl-c to abort and save state====36449 rels found: 16437 full + 20012 from 233943 partial, (2406.79 rels/sec)building matrix with 36449 columns
SIQS elapsed time= 109.2670 seconds.
Total factoring time= 135.2192 seconds
***factors found***